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An explanation has appeared for the mysterious dust that fell from the sky in the USA

Added Sat, 04/03/2023
Дата публикации
Sat, 04/03/2023

Residents of the American states of West Virginia and Maryland last Friday morning noticed a strange white dust that fell from the sky.

This incident quickly led many to a state close to panic when photos of cars covered in this dust began to appear on social networks. Conspiracy theories immediately began to appear that something was sprayed with the help of chemical trails or the consequences of some kind of environmental disaster hidden by the authorities.

Sherri Miller of Inwood, West Virginia, says she and her husband were confused when they saw something unusual in the driveway. Everything was covered with something white and fine, but the weather was too warm for snow.

"We had no idea what it was. He looked like ashes. I asked my husband if it was from a wood—burning stove, and he said no, because it appeared all over Berkeley County," Miller said in an interview with DC News Now.

As some concerned residents wondered if the strange dust was related to the crash of a toxic train on February 3, 2023 in Ohio, environmental protection officials were quick to refute the rumors.

In particular, Terry Fletcher, a spokesman for the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, said there was no indication that this was related to the accident. The Department also collected dust samples for analysis.

Two days later, on Monday, February 27, the agency announced that the mysterious dust is mainly "dust with trace elements."

The samples were then analyzed by the Department of Geology and Geography of the University of Virginia and the university's General Research Center, as it was assumed that it was dust from a recent dust storm in Texas and New Mexico, which passed east through Ohio, Michigan and the USA. Kentucky.

Later, several meteorologists agreed that, most likely, the dust that hit West Virginia and Maryland was picked up by the winds of the dust storm and transferred to these states.

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