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Eyewitness: happened to me inexplicable glitch on the road

Added Wed, 31/01/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 31/01/2018

This story was told to a woman named Sandra Paus. City and country not specified, year. But most likely it happened when mobile phones were not so common, or when they do not exist and people were only landline phones.

"My husband was in a rehabilitation center to undergo physical therapy after triple heart surgery. On the way between downtown and my house were two of the town and on the trip my husband spent a lot of time. One day, when I returned from my husband home, it was late and dark, so I chose the slightly longer path, but well lit with lanterns instead of the usual shorter, but with many poorly lit areas. This road is hard to drive in the dark.

So, I was driving on a well lit road and I was driving another car. Suddenly he moved off to the side, missing me, and I took advantage of it. But the strange thing is, as soon as I did, the car started to follow me and drove very close to my car, lighting it with its very bright headlights. In this form we drove to the one located on my way towns. There were a lot of shops, restaurants and hotels, it was very well lit by the city lights and illuminations. Against the background of the headlights chasing me the machine is totally lost. And suddenly everything went black, as if everywhere did, and then we heard a very loud sound, like the sound from closed garage door "BANG!". The next thing I remember after that is that I am driving in my car and drive along the narrow dark road. It is not for the road on which I decided today to go and went earlier. The car that was driving behind me, was not. I was in such a state that I started talking to myself out loud: "What the hell? Where am I? What the hell happened?".

Then I saw the headlights of my car illuminated a sign on the road stating the road name "Gale Rd". This was the shorter way which today I chose not to go, returning from rehab, and I distinctly remember it. I gathered strength and decided to go back to the rehabilitation center. I was afraid to continue the journey home. I went back and chose another road on which to drive at night.

Usually when I go after a visit to her husband's home, the husband calls me and asks how I made it. He knows the way home from downtown takes me 40 minutes, but this time I knew that I had a much longer time than 40 minutes and my husband is probably very worried about me. I didn't know what time it is, I've not even looked at the clock. When I safely arrived home, the phone rang. It was the husband, but before to start a conversation with him, I apologized for the delay and said that he probably got excited and called me several times. At the end of the tube hung in the awkward silence, and then the husband said he was calling for the first time and that my departure from the center within a half hour.

I started to explain to him what happened to me, but really I don't understand what it was and what happened there on the road. I was in a tornado? Or something done by those who rode in the car chasing me? I don't know now, did somebody else like that."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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