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How to create an alien with your own hands

Added Sun, 02/07/2017
Дата публикации
Sun, 02/07/2017

Sculptor from Novosibirsk Ivan Plotnikov in September 2016 has officially opened his company that makes figures of monsters and aliens that could take part in the filming of a horror movie. For activities of Ivan was decided because, according to him, in this unusual direction there is demand and interest.

"I used to work at the Museum of death the Novosibirsk crematorium, I had a hand in creating benches "Unity", standing in a Park crematorium, then worked in the Studio for props Denis poteryaeva, then opened the SP. Now we have 13 people including the guys from other cities," — says Ivan Plotnikov.

Most orders workshop Plotnikova —FreeArt — receives from the various quests that require monsters, aliens and other props. Order unusual things on television, in advertising agencies. We do everything that you can not buy in the store.

The process of creating a sculpture takes about two months. The master model is molded from clay, then remove the shape from fiberglass and filled with silicone. One model spent about 200 packs of sculpted clay, is rugged from the usual, which buy at the store for sculpting.

"We use tamper-resistant silicone used for food industry, for example for casting chocolate. It is quite durable, not oxidized, does not shrink and does not change color. Armorum that it was impossible to break it with your hand," says Ivan.

Pieces produced in the workshop FreeArt cost from 150 thousand rubles. Further in the nuances of electronics. Made monsters and aliens blink, glow, move my limbs, out of body, you can insert the brains, heart and liver. While a fiberglass model, falling from the height of its growth, breaks down, and silicone - no.

The largest figure, which was doing here, was a three-meter breathing and blinking alien. The smallest is only half an inch and a half. Professional education is not all staff, some just a talented self-taught. Sometimes Ivan propose to do very unusual things.

"There were precedents when asked to make silicone dildos, but for the orders we undertake. Of course, this also has the money, but creativity in this we do not see", — said the Creator of FreeArt.

Among the unusual works team Plotnikova not only aliens, but the Basilisk from the movie Harry Potter and the Mayan calendar and the giant shoes on display in one of the hypermarkets in Novosibirsk. This art object is happy to be photographed citizens.

"Actually quite a lot of typical sculptures that can give the person the idea that you can improve the world. We are here to do the sculpture, which will stand at our workshop. It will be a zombie with a bottle of vodka, which will show how alcoholism adversely affect us", says Ivan.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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