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NASA called the reddening of the river in Norilsk a regular phenomenon

Added Sun, 08/01/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 15/09/2016

The images show streams of red liquid that go from the lead to the tailings pond (signed as Tailings pond in the pictures) pipeline. The Daldykan River, as explained in NASA, passes under the pipe.

The agency said that satellites also recorded reddening of reservoirs in the vicinity of Norilsk in 1997, 1998, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The publication cites the testimony of Cambridge scientist Gareth Reese, who saw the red River in the region with his own eyes in the mid-1990s.

Photos of the Daldykan River near Norilsk, painted red, appeared on the Internet on September 6. A few days later, Norilsk Nickel reported that due to heavy rains, water turned out to be in the river, with which the pipeline was washed during the cleaning of the tailings dump (the burial place of mineral processing waste, "tailings"). The water, as explained in the company, overflowed through the filtration dam.

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