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In Tuva found the second chip collapsed "Progress"

Added Mon, 05/12/2016
Дата публикации
Mon, 05/12/2016

Another piece of the space truck "Progress-04МС", the launch of which was completed on Thursday the accident was discovered by a resident of the Tuvan village Eylig-Khem in his yard, reports "RIA Novosti" with reference to regional government.

As a result of premature separation of the third stage of the rocket apparatus was wrecked. Debris not burned in the atmosphere, fell in the area of Tuva. The accident occurred on a desert mountainous terrain to the West from Kyzyl, thanks to which managed to avoid destruction and casualties.

According to the press center of the government of Tuva, was found next to a private house in the village Eylig-Khem chip resembles a charred fragment of a tin can. Previous spherical chip 90 cm diameter, discovered by a group of rescuers Saturday, was lying on the side of a mountain 15 km from the village.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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