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Unbelievable but true: astronauts scared of the mysterious "voice of space"

Added Wed, 30/11/2016
Дата публикации
Wed, 30/11/2016

The first cosmonaut of China said that he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight into space - but no one was able to explain the reason for them. He couldn't see anything unusual when he looked in the vast emptiness of space, reports with reference to

Astronaut Yang livey at present, major-General in the Chinese air force, said the sounds he heard in orbit, was like having someone knocking on the hull of a spacecraft, like a hammer on iron. The astronaut said that he never heard a similar sound after returning to Earth.

"This sound did not come either from the outside or inside of a spaceship. But it sounded like someone knocking on the hull of the spacecraft just like a wooden hammer banging on iron bucket" - said the astronaut, adding that he was very scared when I heard the sounds and moved to the porthole of the spacecraft, to find out why. He saw nothing out of the ordinary.

When he returned to earth, he spoke about the knock of the officials of the space program and even tried to demonstrate it with improvised tools.

Chinese astronauts, who flew into orbit after Yang Livea, also heard this sound. And they had the exact same fear.

"Before you go into space, I told my colleagues that there is such a sound and that this is normal, so no need to worry," said livey.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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