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The fall of a meteorite, or rocket RS-18 in Buryatia caught on video

Added Wed, 26/10/2016
Дата публикации
Wed, 26/10/2016

Residents of several districts of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region witnessed the fall of the meteorite. Reports of glowing green object appeared in social networks on Tuesday evening, October 25, reports "".

According to witnesses, the sky was illuminated with a bright flash, and then fell to the ground something that looked like a comet. Online services information did not comment.

According to NTV, a meteorite could take an Intercontinental ballistic missile RS-18, the launch of which was held successfully on 25 October. The defense Ministry reported that the launch is performed at 11:58 MSK in the Orenburg region, she fell on the Kamchatka Peninsula. According to the time code (if it is not shot down) and taking into account the time difference, the rocket could not get to the entry.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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