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Anomalous zone. Belarus

ID #1569252275
Added Mon, 23/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

...Other readers, on the contrary, share our thoughts and ideas and describe their homes as the natural godforsaken. Although I'd rather call them anomalous zones. So, from Mogilev received a letter from a reader of the B. A. C. She writes:

"This accident happened in Mogilev region, near the village of Bashkirovku, which is surrounded by forest and is quite abandoned. As in all abandoned villages, you can see the old empty house, and each of them old women, aboriginal women, telling a terrible story; a large cemetery with crosses crumpled; the dark spruce thickets. As in any such village, in this also there were rumors about ghosts, witches and other superstitions. But some things from the category of unusual, I have seen myself, as often heard. The forest that surrounds our village, called the Blade, and next to another forest is state-owned. That's where this accident happened.

I'm with the mother and her friend went to the forest for mushrooms. Mother of local resident and knows the forest since childhood, so getting lost we could not. We went into the woods, and went straight ahead without turning anywhere. It was 7 o'clock in the morning. We walked quite a bit and was suddenly on the edge of the forest. Mom stopped and looked around in surprise. When I asked what was the matter, she said that this place never been here before. And I thought we were not in a huge forest, and a small Bush.

On the edge of the forest we saw two sand roads, going in different directions. We went on one of them and soon returned to where they came from. Then we went by another road – the same thing happened. Then we went on the same road on which he went into the woods, but was back on the edge of the forest. We realized that he was in some kind of a vicious circle, and afraid that can't get out.

We stood on one of the roads, not knowing what to do, but suddenly saw that car coming and stopped her. In the car we drove on the same road, which went on, but this time it is not returned to the edge of the forest, and we arrived in a completely strange village. We got to the first hut and found out that is already near Mogilev, while Bashkirovka for two hours on the bus.

On my watch at the time was 10am and the sun I saw that soon night. In 12 hours we were home, and I found that my watch loses 6 hours, although this morning they were right. When I traced the path from the beginning state-owned forests to the village of moss (near Mogilev) on the map, it turned out that we were half an hour over not only this forest, but several others.

Old people said that we drove leshak and could make in the swamp, and told many stories associated with devilry and "official" swamps".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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