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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Russia

ID #1640093594
Added Tue, 21/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Моховое болото
Bryanskaya oblast

Near the anomalous glade there is a Moss swamp where ghosts meet. According to the old tradition, I decided to make a ski trip to the places of partisan glory, around my historical homeland - Zhukovka, from the school bench. 

I started my journey traditionally - from the hospital along the edge of the forest towards the Zhukovsky sanatorium and the Desnyanka campsite, where every winter from Friday to Sunday skiers from Bryansk took place. The day was cheerful, the bright winter sun illuminated the coniferous forest, shrouded in a silvery winter cover, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. My way passed along the shore of the Desna, on the ski slope there were many tourists-skiers who came to celebrate the New Year holidays in the forest silence in the Zhukovsky sanatorium and the Desnyanka campsite. On the way, I made wonderful landscapes of winter nature for memory-pine trees in the snow, the coast-Golden rings of Gums. Time in the fresh air flew by unnoticed and I did not notice how the red disk of the sun approached the horizon, and the ski track was empty, tourists were rushing to dinner.Nothing, I thought I would walk along the familiar ski slope to the Gostilovsky bridge, it's bad luck to return, and the body asked me to continue the forest walk. I reached the moss swamp. In summer, half-buried trenches were visible there, with rusty shell casings and human bones -an echo of the past war. In the crimson rays of the setting sun, trees bearing wounds from bullets and shrapnel cast ominous shadows, and low bushes overgrown on swamp hummocks seemed like fabulous monsters that descended from the pages of fairy tales. I need to take a couple more photos before it finally gets dark, I thought and took out my trouble-free digital camera.


Looking at the screen, I was taken aback in front of me, at a height of 2 meters above the ground, a silver figure hung next to a branch of a withered tree, illuminated by dead moonlight. I took my eyes off the screen, I can't see anything-I thought clearly, like the winner of the school physics Olympiads, the spectrum of the ghost is not caught by the human eye! It is necessary to take pictures, I began to shoot the figure turned into a cloud that enveloped the branch, it also lit up with moonlight, and after flashing red it went out. I raised my hand to the cloud and felt a charge on my whole body from my heels to my hair, similar sensations were during Kashpirovsky's TV shows. And on the screen began to appear glowing balls rising from the ground- globular

Lightning. I decided it was time to go home. And at home, I felt a charge when I touched the heating batteries and the kinescope of the TV, blue lightning flew out of me. Well, I thought and went to bed!


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Smoke is a stable disperse system consisting of small solid particles suspended in gases produced by the combustion of anything. Smoke particles can serve as nuclei of condensation of atmospheric moisture, resulting in fog.

The smoke resulting from the combustion of various chemical substances can be accepted for the unusual color of the fog. For photos and videos it can give interesting the kind of education that can be mistaken for ghosts.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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