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A bad year for sheep

Added Wed, 20/09/2017
Дата публикации
Wed, 20/09/2017

Of all the mysterious cases of animals, in 2017, somehow the most unlucky sheep. In June on the field in New Zealand was discovered terribly mutilated bodies of sheep. 7 Jun caused on Golf club Patea golf club police found the body torn to pieces animals and everything around was covered with blood and torn entrails. The worst thing is that all of the sheep were pregnant.

We found only 6 adult sheep and 13 bodies of the lambs. Their death was agonizing, first the animal's throat was cut, then left to bleed, after which they cut off limbs and gutted them. The owner of the sheep, the farmer, Bevan Dobson said he is no stranger to attacks of poachers, but this case looks much more sinister than he had seen. Senior Sergeant Kyle Davie said that whoever did this, is a person with abnormal behavior. First, animals had their throats ripped out and they walked up and down until bled out, and then, when they still may have been alive, they cut off legs, cut their bellies and took out the bodies of lambs and guts.

For what? The sheep took him, their mutilated bodies left where they died. The researchers of anomalous phenomena immediately remember the many mysterious cases of injury of cattle (mainly cows). They are usually attributed to aliens who hold on to their strange animals experiments making surgically precise cuts. The case of new Zealand sheep is well suited for this phenomenon, especially that of animal-killers are yet to be found.

Another problem came from India, June 28 in rural areas of Odisha in the village naili were found 150 dead sheep. Their death seemed so unnatural that immediately rumors about the attack of aliens, demons or bloodsucking Chupacabra. It was officially declared that the sheep was attacked by wolves, but before then it never occurred to wolves at a time were killed so many animals. Not far from the scene found a strange hole in the ground, but the animal was not in it. Then there were reports that sheep were vidalas (deleted) only the liver and that a certain creature to attack even humans, but these reports were found to be unsubstantiated.

In July, two hundred sheep committed mass suicide on the border of France and Spain, jumping off cliffs and crashing. Presumably they were afraid of the bear, as at the scene found a small pieces of bear hair. The last bear in this area was killed in 2004, but in recent years there has a program of revival of the bear population in this region now account for about 30 predators. By the way the year before in the French Pyrenees 130 sheep died under similar circumstances. Then in their death also blamed the fear of a bear. And finally, the last mysterious case of sheep going on right now in Norway.

The shepherds from the County of Aust-Agder has already reported about several mysterious disappearances of sheep, and not like the usual theft. The sheep seemed to vanish into thin air. Anywhere there were no traces of extraneous intervention or scraps of fur, no blood, no footprints, and all the hedges and fences looked intact. Ker Blaalid, the leader of the local farmers Association of sheep farmers, said in an interview with NRK that the strange disappearance of the animals are very worried farmers, as all this looks very unusual. Their only hope for the police to she helped to investigate the incident. Local farmers are no strangers to theft, but these cases stand out.

The only clue the police that similar incidents in 2013. Then in the County of Aust-Agder found a few sheep with the fishing hooks in the coat, which is not clear where they were as herds of sheep don't go near the sea. Then found that thieves throw the hooks into sheep in order to "catch them" and somehow pull off the field, as in that year, also without a trace lost several animals.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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