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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Fri, 04/09/2020
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Chanek or Chanek (Chanekeh, Chaneque or Ohuican Chaneque) are small, spirit-like creatures from Mexican folklore, considered to be elemental forces and guardians of nature.

In ancient legends, these creatures attacked intruders, scaring them so that their soul left their body, which they imprisoned in the depths of the earth. If the victim does not restore his soul with the help of a certain ritual, he will get sick and soon die.

In some modern legends, chanek is described as children with the face of old men or women who make people wander for three or seven days, after which the victims cannot remember what happened. It is believed that the creatures take their home in The underground world, the entrance to which is a dry kapok tree.

In Catholic beliefs, chaneka are the souls of children who died without Christian baptism.

Similar mythical creatures are common in Mesoamerican and other Latin American folklore traditions in general, called duende in Spanish. In the folklore tradition of the Yucatan Peninsula, these elementals are known as aluxob.

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