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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Thu, 20/02/2020
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The character of the Icelandic tales inherited from the old Icelandic pagan myths. Etymologically, the word "trel" (Lis. tröll) is not different from the word "Troll", but there are a few differences tretli are evil, ugly giants (their image similar to the image of the Jotun of the ancient Icelandic mythology), while trolls, characters of the folklore of other Germanic-Scandinavian people are not always giants, and even can be positive characters.

Tretli live in the rocks. The legend, according to which the trolls have scared people by their appearance and supernatural powers, originated in Scandinavia, whence came the first settlers of Iceland in the late ninth century.

The external appearance is a huge, humanoid creature with a big nose. They are fierce, evil and insidious. They eat only meat, including human. Typically they hold either an iron Mace or a large knife, and themselves dressed in goatskins.

They often kidnap and kill livestock, and sometimes attack the village, and most of all afraid of Church bells. Tretli usually live alone. They turn to stone under the action of daylight.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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