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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section includes information about possible versions explaining the true nature of the event described in the fact.

Devices and structures

Added Tue, 25/08/2020
Version type

This version includes all things, structures, devices used in everyday life. Such things can often be mistaken for something paranormal because of their rarity, strangeness or deformation during operation.

Also, this version can include devices and workwear of people used for certain needs (diving suit, fire suit, etc.)

Aviation light signals are a type of signals used by the aerodrome control service when it is impossible to establish radio communication with an aircraft. The light signals are transmitted in the direction of the aircraft by a narrowly directional searchlight, which has the ability to switch between white, red and green. Flares of the same colors can also be used. There are several standard messages transmitted by this system:

Signal Sun in the air Sun on earth Cars and personnel
A series of white flashes Land here and proceed to the platform Come back Come back
Permanent green Landing is allowed Takeoff is allowed  
A series of green flashes The approach is allowed Taxiing is allowed N/A
Constant red Stay in the circle area, give way to the boarding queue Stop Stop
A series of red flashes The airfield is unsafe, I forbid landing Clear the runway or taxiway  
Green-Red series Take extra care The same The same
Flashes of strip lights Everyone clear the lane immediately

Such a system is used as a backup (in case of failure of radio equipment at the airport or on board the aircraft, or other unforeseen circumstances). It is also used for communication with aircraft that are not equipped with radio equipment, and on small and rarely used landing sites. The aircraft can confirm the reception of the message, for example, by shaking its wings, a series of flashes of onboard navigation lights, etc.

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