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"Heavenly earthquake" or cielomoto

The phenomenon of "Ground hum" is known in the scientific community under a slightly different name. A loud roar, and even tremor, heard and felt over a large territory – a phenomenon known as "cielomoto", "earthquake sky" or "skyquake". This phenomenon can manifest itself anywhere in the world.

Although the phenomenon is not new (the first mention of it dates back to February, 1829), scientists have been unable to find a full explanation of how and why it occurs. Among the versions which were put forward by scholars in different times to explain this phenomenon:

  • the release of methane from the ocean floor;
  • supersonic aircraft that pass the sound barrier;
  • the meteorite broke into the atmosphere;
  • earthquake.

These versions are not able to explain all manifestations cielomoto.

At the moment the most acceptable scientific explanation for the phenomenon is the collision of the layers of cold and warm air, in which there is a loud sound like an explosion.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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