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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. United States

ID #1604072642
Added Fri, 30/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.04.1978 01:30
Парамус, NJ
United States

In 1999, an anonymous person reported an observation on the NUFORC website, stating the date April 24, 1978, from approximately 01: 30 to 02: 00, with a duration of 7 to 10 minutes:

"I don't remember the exact date when it happened. In 1978, when I was driving home to new York state. 

I was driving home on route 4 West when I noticed to my left on the East side of route 4. an Object that I thought was a helicopter at treetop level, it was a cigar-shaped ship. 

I was driving home to new York state from river jersey. I took westbound route 4 around 1: 30-2: 00 am. I was just getting on the highway when I noticed it on the left in the eastbound lane. I saw what I thought was a helicopter.

I paused to look at him. I looked at it carefully and realized it wasn't a helicopter. I rolled down my window to look at it and I didn't hear the sound of the engine, it was quiet. When I noticed it was a cigar, I got scared and hit the gas to leave. 

It was strange that when I hit the gas, it accelerated at the same moment as I did, and when I slowed down, it slowed down at the same moment as I did. It was as if they knew what my every move would be. 

I was driving along the highway, looking out the window, and he was still following me on the other side of the road and driving at the same speed as me. I was approaching route 17 North, which was the next road I was supposed to take back home.

Just before I got on route 17, I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. It stopped and hovered in silence on the other side of the highway.

I got out of the car and there was dead silence as it moved from the treetops to the front trees and I could see through the side Windows. the ship and I saw two figures that didn't look like people, and when I saw that I jumped into the car and sped to the exit on route 17 North, I looked back and he was following me.

The next thing I knew, I was pulling into my driveway in middletown, new York, and it was dawn as the sun was starting to rise. It was about 5: 00 in the morning. The strange thing is that it takes 1 hour to get from river edge to Middletown in new York. I have about 4 hours of missing time. 

To this day, I am concerned about what happened to me. The next day, there were many reports in the Bergen County newspaper of UFO sightings over Paramus new Jersey in the same area where I was driving my car. 

The police station was inundated with loud statements from people who had seen UFOs. I'm trying to get a copy of a newspaper from the hacensack public library. It should be on microfilm. 

I was wondering if you were aware of this UFO incident that occurred in 1978. And if you can help me with any information about this or about someone in my new Jersey area who can help me with my missed time, I would appreciate your help.»

Original news

In 1999 an anonymous person reported a sighting on the NUFORC website, indicating the date of April 24, 1978 towards 01:30 – 02:00 a.m. with a duration from 7 to 10 minutes:

“I don’t remember the exact date It happened. In 1978 when i was driving home to new york state. I was driving home on route 4 west when I noticed to my left on the east bound side of route 4. An object that i thought was a helicopter at treetop level it was a cigar shaped craft.” “I was driving home to New York State from River Edge New Jersey. I got onto route 4 west about 1:30 – 2:00 am I just pulled onto the highway when i noticed on my left side on the east bound lane I saw what i thought was a helicopter i slowed down to look at it and i took a good look at it and i knew it was’nt a helicopter. I rolled down my window to look at it and i did’nt hear any engine sound it was silent. When i noticed it was cigar shaped i got scared and steped on the gas to get away. It was odd that when i stepped on the gas it sped up the same instant as me and when i slowed down it slowed down the same instant that i did.It was like they knew what my every move was going to be. I went up the highway looking out my window and it was still on the other side of the road following me and going the same speed as i was driving. I was approching route 17 north which was the next road for me to take to go home.Just before i got onto route 17 i pulled over to the side of the shoulder and stopped. It stopped and hovered in silence across the other side of the highway.I got out of my car and there was a dead silence it moved from the tree tops down to the front of the trees and i could see inside the windows on the side of the craft and i saw two figures that did’nt look like human beings and when i saw that i jumped into my car and sped off to the on ramp of route 17 north i looked behind me and it was following me and i don’t remember getting on route 17 north the next thing i remembered was i was pulling into my driveway in Middletown New York and it was daybreak the sun was starting to come up It was about 5:00am. The odd thing about it is that it takes 1 hour to get from River Edge to Middletown New York. I have about 4 hours of missing time. To this day Im still bothered about what happened to me. The next day it was in the bergen county news paper that there was alot of sightings of ufo’s over paramus new jersey the same area i was driving my car. The police station was swamped with calls of alot o! f people that saw the ufo. I am in the process of trying to get a copy of the newspaper from the hacensack public library It should be on microfilm. I was wondering if you have any knowlege of this ufo incident that happened in 1978. And if you can help me with any information about this or someone in my area of new jersey that can help me out with my missing time I would appreciate your help very much.”


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