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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1605086742
Added Wed, 11/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.05.1979 10:30
Баепенди - MG

Arlindo Gabriel DOS Santos was hunting with two friends in a wooded area when he became separated from two other men. In the clearing, DOS Santos saw an object descending to the ground. 

The witness approached a distance of 180 meters and noticed that the object had the shape of a "phone booth" about 1.5 meters in height. Apparently, the witness was carrying a KODAK camera and was able to photograph the object, which suddenly disappeared from view. He went to the place where the ship was, and suddenly saw another object descending. 

This other object was shaped like a toy top, slightly larger than the previous object, with a small propeller at the top and a long pointed protrusion at the bottom.

As the witness stood trying to photograph this second object, he heard a whistling sound and the ship was suddenly enveloped in smoke. 

As he got closer to the smoke, he noticed another ship descending overhead, it was a 1 meter tall barrel-shaped ship that balanced above the ground and landed. At one end of it was a large propeller covered with red stripes.

After walking about 10 meters towards the object, it suddenly disappeared, and he saw a huge white egg-shaped object descending to the ground. The egg-shaped ship had a pointed top and protrusions in the form of fins on each side. The witness saw several Windows near the flippers. When it descended, it made a terrible noise like an engine, when it descended to the ground, it released four legs like landing pods.

As the witness approached and tried to photograph the object, a flash suddenly appeared that temporarily blinded him, irritating his eyes. The startled witness dropped the camera and ran, but after about 10 meters, he suddenly stopped, unable to move anymore, it seemed as if someone grabbed him from behind. 

Looking back, he noticed two men wearing visored helmets and gloves. Behind the glass canopy, he could see human faces. They grabbed the witness, each with one hand. He begged them to let him go in the name of God, but received the following response:

"In the name of God, we are all brothers, we do not harm anyone." 

The voice seemed to come from a box - like apparatus on their backs.

He was led to the landing object. As he approached it, he felt a strong chill around it. Another helmeted figure stood at the ramp from the ship, looking around, obviously on duty. 

The man asked DOS Santos if he had seen something that sounded like "Zurca" to the witness, which he thought might have been one of the previous smaller objects. The man then reached out with a gloved hand and pulled the witness inside the ship through a square door. Inside the ship, the atmosphere was pleasantly cool, and the air smelled of baby powder. There were other men in the room, sitting on seats. 

He described the humanoids as men dressed in dark, tight clothing. The men had large slanted eyes, thin noses, and large mouths, and they seemed to be operating some unknown mechanism.Suddenly a fat woman in a white uniform, gloves, but without a helmet, came out of another room. The witness described her as beautiful, tanned, with long, light, thin hair. Then the woman and one of the men led him out into the corridor. 

Then he entered a room where he saw a square-shaped object in the middle.

The man pressed a button on the wall, and the object rose. The object resembled a large piece of marble. The woman then took out a long stick-like object and pointed it at the object. Then the witness saw an image of the planet Earth and other planets on the object. At this point, the man took off his helmet, and the witness saw that he had very short blond hair. 

When the witness left the facility, they were told to close their eyes and not look when the subject left. He saw and did not see the object move away.

Original news

Arlindo Gabriel dos Santos was hunting with two friends in a wooded area when he became separated from the other two men. In a clearing, dos Santos saw an object descending towards the ground. The witness approached to within 180 meters and noticed that the object was shaped like a “telephone booth” about 1 meter ½ in height. Apparently the witness had been carrying his KODAK camera with him and was able to snap a picture of the object, which suddenly disappeared in plain sight. He walked over to where the craft had been and suddenly saw another object descend. This other object was shaped like a toy top a little larger than the previous object and with a small propeller like apparatus on top and a long pointy protrusion on its bottom.

As the witness stood attempting to photograph this second object he heard a whooshing sound and the craft was suddenly enveloped in smoke. Approaching closer to the smoke he noticed yet another craft descending overhead, it was a 1-meter tall barrel shaped craft that balanced itself above the ground then landed. It had a large propeller at one end and was covered with red stripes. After walking for about 10 meters towards the object, this one suddenly vanished and he saw a huge egg shaped, white colored object descend to the ground. The egg shaped craft had a pointy top, and fin-like protrusions on each side. Next to the fins the witness could see several windows. As it descended it emitted a horrible noise resembling a choking motor, as it descended to the ground, it projected 4-leg like landing pods.

As the witness approached and attempted to photograph the object there was a sudden flash that temporarily blinded him, irritating his eyes. Frightened the witness dropped the camera and ran, but after about 10 meters he suddenly stop, unable to move anymore, he felt as if someone was grabbing him from behind. As he looked behind him he noticed two men wearing helmets with visors and gloves. Behind the glass visor he could see human faces. They grabbed the witness, each grabbing one arm. He begged them to let him go in the name of God, but he received the following the answer, “In the name of God, we are all brothers, we don’t harm anybody.” The voice seemed to originate from a box like apparatus on their backs.

He was taken towards the landed object. As he neared it, he felt an intense cold around it. Another helmeted figure stood by a ladder from the craft, looking from side to side, apparently on guard duty. The man asked dos Santos if he had seen something that sounded to the witness like a “Zurca”, which he thought it could have been one of the previous smaller objects. The man than extended his gloved hand and pulled the witness inside the craft through a square door. Inside the craft the atmosphere was pleasant and cool and there was a smell of “baby powder” in the air. There were other men sitting around on seats in the room. He described the humanoids as man-like, wearing dark tight fitting outfits. The men had large slanted eyes, thin noses, and large mouths and they seemed to operating some type of unknown machinery. The men suddenly stood up and began conversing among themselves in an unknown language. Suddenly from out another room a heavyset woman came out, she wore a white uniform, gloves, but no helmet. The witness described her as good looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one of the men then took him into a corridor. He then entered a room where he saw a square shape object in the middle.

The man pushed a button on the wall and the object rose up. The object resembled a large piece of marble. The woman then took out a long wand like object and pointed it at the object. On the object the witness then saw an image of the planet Earth and other planets. At this point the man the removed his helmet and the witness could see that he had very short light colored hair. When the witness exited the object he was told to cover his eyes and not to look as the object left. He did and did not see the object depart.


16 maja 1979 roku w małym brazylijskim miasteczku Baependi doszło do zdarzenia, które do dziś pobudza wyobraźnię badaczy zjawisk UFO i miłośników teorii spiskowych. Choć z czasem liczne świadectwa i dowody zostały poddane w wątpliwość, historia ta pozostaje jednym z najbardziej fascynujących opisów rzekomego kontaktu z istotami pozaziemskimi.


Baependi to spokojne miejsce położone w stanie Minas Gerais w Brazylii. Dla wielu mieszkańców tego regionu życie płynie leniwie, a największymi wydarzeniami są lokalne festyny i święta. Nic więc dziwnego, że informacja o rzekomym kontakcie z obcymi szybko stała się tematem numer jeden w całym regionie.


Według relacji naocznych świadków, w tamtym dniu wieczorem na niebie pojawiły się jasne światła poruszające się w sposób, który nie przypominał ruchu żadnego znanego obiektu latającego. Światła te zbliżały się do ziemi, by w końcu wylądować na jednym z pól na obrzeżach Baependi. Z obiektu, który był opisywany jako "latający spodek", wyszły trzy postacie o ludzkiej sylwetce, ale o niezwykłym wyglądzie. Miały one srebrzystą skórę i duże, czarne oczy. Poruszały się w sposób unoszący, nie dotykając ziemi.


Wielu mieszkańców miasteczka, przyciągniętych widokiem niezidentyfikowanego obiektu latającego, zbliżyło się, aby zobaczyć, co się dzieje. Jednak postacie szybko wróciły do swojego pojazdu, który uniósł się w powietrze i zniknął w niewielkiej odległości.


Następnego dnia w miejscu, gdzie miał wylądować obiekt, znaleziono spalone trawy i dziwne znaki na ziemi. Wielu mieszkańców przyniosło do domu próbki tych traw w nadziei, że zostaną one zbadane i dostarczą odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące tego, co się wydarzyło.


Informacja o tym niezwykłym zdarzeniu szybko rozeszła się po kraju. W Baependi zjawiło się wielu dziennikarzy, ufologów i badaczy zjawisk paranormalnych. W ciągu kilku dni miejscowość stała się centrum uwagi mediów. Różni eksperci przeprowadzili wywiady ze świadkami i zbierali próbki z miejsca lądowania.

Jednak z biegiem czasu pojawiały się coraz większe wątpliwości co do wiarygodności relacji świadków. Niektórzy z nich zmieniali swoje zeznania, inni przyznawali się do wymyślenia części informacji. Badania przeprowadzone na próbkach traw nie wykazały żadnych niezwykłych właściwości, które by potwierdzały obecność obiektu pozaziemskiego.


W ciągu kilku miesięcy zainteresowanie incydentem w Baependi zaczęło słabnąć. Media skupiły się na innych tematach, a mieszkańcy wrócili do swojego codziennego życia. Jednak dla wielu z nich to zdarzenie pozostanie na zawsze tajemnicą, której nie są w stanie w pełni zrozumieć.

Choć po latach wiele osób wątpi w autentyczność tego zdarzenia, dla wielu entuzjastów UFO incydent w Baependi pozostaje jednym z najbardziej przekonywujących dowodów na istnienie życia pozaziemskiego. Czy rzeczywiście doszło tam do kontaktu z obcymi? Czy był to jedynie dobrze przemyślany żart lub omyłka? Te pytania prawdopodobnie pozostaną bez odpowiedzi.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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