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A 1947 French film predicted modern technology

Added Thu, 24/11/2022
Дата публикации
Thu, 02/07/2020

The authors of the documentary film Télévision: Oeil de Demain (Television: The Eye of Tomorrow), shown in France in 1947, dared to imagine what the life of people with mobile technologies will be like in the future. They look like small portable televisions that fit in the palm of your hand or the torpedo of a car, which, according to the authors, will replace newspapers for people. The authors also suggest the development of other technologies, for example, the creation of holographic projectors.

The black-and-white film released after World War II is based on an essay by René Barjavel, produced by J.K. Raymond-Millet.

And although Barkhavel did not quite correctly predict the appearance of current smartphones, he did reliably convey the behavior of modern people, all of whose attention is now absorbed by various mobile devices.

Interestingly, the footage of this film is sometimes pointed out as proof of the existence of time-traveling astronauts at that time.

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