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Scientists have suggested that the appearance of ghosts is associated with carbon monoxide poisoning

Added Wed, 21/06/2023
Дата публикации
Wed, 21/06/2023

Ghosts, ghosts and spirits - all this is often associated with a kind of supernatural world. However, as it turned out, many cases have a more mundane explanation - carbon monoxide poisoning. This is confirmed by the stories of people who lived in "haunted" houses and experienced strange symptoms before the gas leak was detected.

The story of a family that moved into the house nine years ago was one of the examples documented in 1921 in the American Journal of Ophthalmology. The father of the family felt that someone was watching him from behind all the time, and the children got sick and lost all interest in the game. It turned out that two days after their stay in the house, the stove broke down, causing carbon monoxide poisoning.

The writer Carrie Poppy was also exposed to a similar dangerous influence. She began to feel that she was being haunted by a "bad spiritual presence," heard strange noises and felt pressure in her chest. As it turned out, a carbon monoxide leak was the cause of her unusual symptoms.

These cases are not isolated. Toxicologists claim that carbon monoxide and other poisoning may explain the surge in ghosts and ghost stories in the Victorian era. In addition, some people may experience hallucinations and other strange symptoms with prolonged exposure to even small doses of carbon monoxide.

However, it is worth noting that not all cases are associated with carbon monoxide poisoning. Some phenomena can be explained by practical jokes, hallucinations during sleep paralysis, poor sleep and other factors. 

However, scientists reluctantly admit that 8% of cases cannot be explained by any natural phenomena and this remains an "unsolved problem".

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