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The old prison in the state of Georgia is considered to be the coolest haunted place

Added Mon, 08/05/2017
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Mon, 08/05/2017

Many ghostly phenomena, causing witnesses to feel fear, usually pretty harmless. Moving objects, flickering lights, strange sounds and even transparent vision, it is, for the most part, harmless things. However, in the circles of Ghost hunters known some places where ghostly entities have a very aggressive nature.

One such place is the old Chatham County jail, located on the corner of Oglethorpe Avenue and Montgomery Street in Savannah, Georgia, United States, which until 1989 he was serving his sentence of 30 thousand prisoners. Then the prison closed and placed it in the city archive. And after that, in 2006, the room was released, it began to annually celebrate Halloween, which was quite appropriate because, despite the fact that the prisoners long since left the prison, some of them still remained in it in one form or another.

Reports of supernatural activity in the building of the prison began to appear once it entered the archive, whose staff complained all the coming steps, voices, shouts, knocks on walls and uncontrolled opening and closing of Elevator doors. Some felt the tremors of someone's invisible hands. One of the employees of the haunted house even claimed to have seen the invisible force flung down a 60-pound slab, which was confirmed by a few visitors to the archive. The number of unexplained cases has continued to increase, soon spreading a cloud of fear hung over the entire building.

"I worked here from 1989 to 1990, and even then there was a lot of strange. During night shift we heard a banging of doors and footsteps on the stairwell. We rushed there but there was nobody," recalls mayor Russell Smith from the office of the Sheriff of Chatham County.

In addition to the various strange phenomena in the old prison is inhabited by a separate entity, who received the most sinister reputation. It is believed that there appears a Ghost of a former prisoner, whose name was Carl Isacs that in 1973 and two accomplices escaped from prison in Maryland. The fugitives stole a car and went to Florida. In the countryside they ran out of gas, and they broke into a farmers house by the name Olga. Simple robbery, unfortunately, turned into a tragedy, the result of which was killed a family of 6 people.

A terrible murder shocked the whole country, and caught Azax was jailed Chatham County and sentenced to death. After several decades of litigation, finally, in may 2003, he was executed.

So, it is not surprising that old camera Isaacs is today considered a place where paranormal activity is off the charts. They say that if you call the spirit of Carl Aisaxa by name, you can feel the waves of rage and hatred, which extended even beyond the camera. The aggressive behavior of the Ghost is so unpredictable that even seasoned hunters for ghosts did not dare to enter that chamber.

Jail Chatham County attracts a variety of researchers who claim that the building recorded the active voice phenomena and other manifestations. The team under the leadership of Ryan Dunn from the Society for the study of ghosts of Savannah after he spent the night in the jail, claims that it is definitely one of the most active haunted places. Last night they recorded more than 50 of anomalous voices, one of which required them to be gone, the second said, "Look at me" and the third said, "Hey, guys, where are you? It's an alarm?"

"We came with lots of equipment and made many recordings. And on camera we caught a ghostly figure, who was walking in the corridor, and then went into one of the chambers, squatted, stood up and went back. We have even seen her shadow. Everyone was a little anxious, says researcher Ryan Dunn. – I would say that this is the coolest haunted place. I expect there's something here, but what we found exceeded all my expectations. That was awesome."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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