Added | Fri, 07/10/2016 |
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Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.
On video, especially when shooting with a low-resolution camera, or in the process of observation, some birds in flight may also look like UFOs. Such birds include, for example, a kestrel, hovering in place during hunting, or a lark, which slowly and almost vertically rises to a height of several tens of meters, where it hangs for a while.
Flocks of birds often arrange "aerial dances", which are called by the term murmuration (from Lat. murmuratio — "muttering, buzzing, cawing"). Scientists are not sure exactly how and why they perform such celestial dances.
So, starlings, straying into grandiose flocks, perform the "dance of starlings", creating spectacular contracting and decompressing clouds with clearly defined contours, moving in an unpredictable way. These clouds can split into parts and connect; some clouds of birds fly through others at high speed (up to 40 km / h), while the birds do not collide. When murmuring, each bird constantly has visibility in all directions, this is the result of the fact that the behavior of birds in flight is aimed at obtaining maximum information about their neighbors in the flock and the surrounding space. Similar behavior is demonstrated by large schools of fish.
A flock of birds in flight can form various figures that uninformed people can easily be mistaken for a rapidly approaching thundercloud or UFO.
Most migratory birds make their flights not only during the day, but also at night. Therefore, periodically in the dark sky you can observe a flock of birds or a single bird. Sometimes they are almost invisible in the dark sky, but in certain conditions the birds become clearly distinguishable, for example, illuminated from below by city lights or a searchlight. This appearance, resulting from the illumination, is characteristic not only for birds, but also for bats.
This version mainly features birds that can be mistaken for UFOs. Birds that can be mistaken for unusual creatures are presented in the "Famous Creatures" version.
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