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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chupacabra. Russia

ID #1638448873
Added Thu, 02/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
улице Больничная Трусовского района
Astrakhanskaya oblast

In Astrakhan, the chupacabra terrifies and destroys domestic animals. Astrakhan resident Olesya BORTSOVA called the Chronometer editorial office on November 30 and reported that a mysterious creature was killing pets in the area of the military camp, drinking all their blood.

The girl said that she lives in a private house on the Hospital street in the Trusovsky district of Astrakhan and breeds rabbits. According to her, on the night of November 26-27, an unknown creature made its way into her yard and, tearing out the doors and nets of the cage where the rabbits were kept, tore the animals to pieces.

- We found a rabbit and five small rabbits in the yard this morning. The animals were torn to pieces. Some had their heads torn off, others had paws. But the strangest thing is that all the carcasses were drained of blood. We didn't find a single trace of blood. Even from the headless body of the baby rabbit, not a drop splashed—" Olesya explained.

Our correspondent visited the scene of the accident and photographed the destroyed animal cages. The residents of the neighboring house confirmed that an incomprehensible guest had organized a pogrom in their yard at night, but they thought it was a stray dog.

— And we doubt that it was a dog, - Olesya BORTSOVA objects. - The dog will not be able to tear the iron net and tear the doors off the hinges, and he will not drink so much blood. The creature didn't leave a single trace, and there was dirt on the street and in the yard.

According to our reader, a mysterious creature killed ducks in the same way on the next street, but it was not possible to catch the injured owners of the house.

Chronometer wrote about similar incidents with pets three years ago: then several chickens became victims of the "vampire", and no one managed to catch and even just see the pest. Residents of the military town suspect that the mysterious chupacabra - a mysterious bloodsucking beast - has reappeared in the vicinity of Astrakhan.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.

According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.

Feral dogs

The Chupacabra attacks often take the usual forays of feral dogs. These animals alone or in a flock climbs into the yards and attacking chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc. Usually they do it in the winter and other lean periods.

They are able to pereprygivaya (or climbing) over relatively high fences, to make a tunnel, destroy the cage, gnawing the twigs and boards.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC), Wuzhai, Shanxi (China) Vehicle: CZ-4C Payload: Yaogan 29 (JB-x 1)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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