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Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.

According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.

Of all this variety, only a small part has the usual appearance for people, while the rest of the creatures at a certain stage of development or throughout life (as well as their parts or remains), or the sounds they make, can easily be mistaken for something mystical.

For example, turtles in the mating season emit a rather loud roar (cry/moan), which can be quite unexpected for the observer and can make it difficult to identify the sources of sounds and give rise to the idea of supernatural beings, spirits, etc.

Also, many nocturnal animals have glowing eyes in the dark, which can cause the appearance of legends about mysterious creatures or lights.

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