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The Ghost of a White lady for centuries can not find peace

Added Wed, 04/07/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 04/07/2018

Dying in 1476, who lives in a Czech castle rožmberk nad Vltavou by the name of Perchta of rožmberk is not moved to another world, like all decent people, and turned into a Ghost, who for centuries terrorized the local residents.

The Ghost of the White Lady, according to the website that frightened even the Nazis, who tried to get in contact with him during the Second world war.

A history of the occult the Nazis recognized that the White Lady is too dangerous when in the castle, which in those days worked for the German school, there was a series of frightening incidents.

"One day the Ghost appeared to the girls who studied in this school, and asked them to leave forever. On the same day from the flagpole fell to the German the flag, so the Nazis was seriously scared and really gone" — say the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements.

What happened to Pertai rožmberk in life, if she couldn't find peace even after death? According to legend, when the girl was twenty, she was married against her will. Spouse of perchta, a Yang Liechtenstein, humiliated woman throughout her life. Here's a sad story. The Ghost, while seemingly not hurting anyone, but only scares.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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