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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1687901863
Added Wed, 28/06/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
графство Девон
United Kingdom

A British UFO hunter is convinced of the existence of an alien civilization after taking pictures of an alien spaceship in Devon. The photos, which he considers indisputable evidence of another life, aroused the interest of many people and spurred discussion of the topic of UFOs.

A flash of light caught the attention of John Muner, who then saw a metallic object in the clouds, which he believes to be a spaceship. The UFO hunter continued to watch and took several pictures with his Nikon camera.

While experts have not expressed their opinion about the photos taken by the Briton, but he himself finally believed in the existence of aliens. He is not the only one who believes in the existence of another life in the universe.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Vostochniy, Amurskaya Oblast' (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1b Fregat Payload: Meteor-M 2-3 Rassvet-1 1 Rassvet-1 2 Rassvet-1 3 Rassvet-1 1, 2, 3 PHI-Demo Zorkiy 2M A-SEANSAT-PG 1 Avion-Kaluga 650 Impuls 1 Khors 1 Khors 2 Norbi 2 Saturn Akhmat 1 (RS 41S) ArcCube 01 (RS 25S) CubeBel 2 (BSUSat 2, EU-11S) CSTP 1.1 CSTP 1.2 CubeSX-HSE 3 (RS 42S) KuzGTU 1 (RS 47S) Monitor 2 (RS 39S) Monitor 3 (RS 58S) Monitor 4 (RS 57S) Monitor 2, 3, 4 Nanozond 1 (RS 49S) Politekh-Univers 3 (RS 46S) ReshUCube 2 (RS 37S) SamSat-ION Sirius-SINP-3U SITRO-AIS 5 (Katys) SITRO-AIS 6 (Chirkin) SITRO-AIS 7 (Fartushniy) SITRO-AIS 8 (Anokhin) SITRO-AIS 9 (Shchukin) SITRO-AIS 10 (Burdaev) SITRO-AIS 11 (Sheffer) SITRO-AIS 12 (Smirenniy) SITRO-AIS 5, ..., 12 StratoSat TK-1 (RS 52S) StratoSat TK-1-A (RS 45S) StratoSat TK-1-B StratoSat TK-1-V StratoSat TK-1-G StratoSat TK-1-A, B, V, G StratoSat TK-1-D StratoSat TK-1-E StratoSat TK-1-D, E Svyatobor 1 (RS 60S) UmKA 1 (RS 40S) UTMN 2 (Tyumsat, RS 27S) Vizard-meteo (RS 38S) Yarilo 3 Yarilo 4


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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