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The projection image on various surfaces

Apparatus for apparatus for the projection of images on different surfaces was common in the 17th century. They were called "Magic lantern" (lat. Laterna magica; magic lantern, fantascope, skioptikon, lampascope, vague pictures, etc.).

Initially, magic lantern was used for the entertainment of princes and noblemen. However, he soon became very popular among the common people. Too much popularity magic lantern made him a laughing stock in the eyes of many people. Now it shows on the streets and entertain their children and people.

In the early period of use of the lantern, the organizers of representations hiding the lamp from the eyes of the audience. The images were projected onto clouds of smoke, walls or screens and had a small format, because of the weak light sources. Often, the demonstrators used the so-called "optical boxes" on wheels. Their walls were made of transparent matter, which showed pictures.

Concealing the lantern and projecting images on smoke, the demonstrators sought the presence effect in a darkened room luminous phantasmagoria (from the Greek. φάντασμα Ghost and ἀγορεύω — public speaking), which caused a panic attack among the audience and gave the machine the name "lantern of fear". This was facilitated by the use of magic lanterns by the Jesuits for religious purposes, showing believers the horrors of the underworld.

Now the projection of video and photo images on various surfaces (this can be mist, water, buildings, smoke, etc.) can also be used for tampering different phenomena.

In this category may also include the projection by the slide projector. This kind of projection device to show slides, filmstrips and other media on a transparent basis. Was popular in the 20th century, are now rare.

As an example, modern methods can bring the FogScreen technology, Light projection shows, laser shows, etc. These technologies are developing rapidly, including achieving incredible realism.

As a surface can be used with a special transparent projection screen. On a transparent glass or plastic is glued rear projection film. On this screen projector broadcast any colored image. They are well integrated in the surrounding environment, while they themselves look quite realistic due to nacyjanal brightness and contrast. Distinguish between the projection of the film to the contrary, a direct bilateral projection depending on the location of the projector.

This method can be used for deliberate falsification, transmitting the film image, such as a Ghost or a UFO. At the same time as the camera so visually they will be perceived practically real.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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