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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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The waste industry

This category may include the remains of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products formed in the process of production. These are products resulting from physical and chemical processing of raw materials, mining and mineral beneficiation, which is not the purpose of this production process, the substances captured in the purification of flue gas and waste water, etc.

This may include, in particular:

Scrap (eng. scrap) waste production of blast-furnace and steelmaking shops, as well as every iron and steel scrap, parings, shavings, usually going to the smelter.

The Batavian tears, also, the Bologna flask, a drop of Prince Rupert (Prince Rupert''s drops) — frozen droplets of tempered glass, with extremely high internal mechanical stresses. If you drop molten glass into cold water produces a drop in the form of a tadpole, with a long, curved "tail". The drop has exceptional strength: its "head" can be hammered and it will not break. But if you break the tail, drop instantly shatters into small pieces.

Forget, also known as Detroit agate, painted in bright colors and psychedelic swirls, and is positioned as an attractive jewel. But it dried the paint, building up layer by layer in the factories, which long ago was used for painting cars.

Such objects can be taken for parts of alien ships of unknown chemicals and even artifacts from the future.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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